药效学研究评价服务(Pharmacodynamics Screening Service)

1.肿瘤药理学研究(Tumor Pharmacodynamics Study)


Study on molecular, cellular and whole animal, use tumor efficacy evaluation system, such as molecular biology technology, tumor cell lines culturing and nude mice transplantation model and so on, to conduct preclinical drug efficacy and anti-tumor mechanism research on molecular targeted drugs which including: cytotoxic drugs, angiogenesis inhibitors, reversal agents, differentiation inducer, receptor or non-receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitors, etc.

2.心血管系统研究(Cardiovascular Pharmacodynamics Study)


Pre-clinical dug efficacy screening of drugs which have the following effects: myocardial ischemia treatment, anti-arrhythmia, anti-high blood pressure, inhibits platelet aggregation and thrombolytic effect, anti-atherosclerotic and blood lipid-lowering.

3.中枢神经系统研究( Central Nervous PharmacodynamicsStudy)


Targeted on ischemic stroke, glutamic acid, anoxia-reoxygenation inflammation factor induced cell damage model, a series of enzymes, receptors, tissues, and whole animal models have been built, and then comprehensively and systematically conduct research on preclinical drug pharmacodynamics evaluation and efficacy mechanism.

4.内分泌系统研究(Endocrine System Pharmacodynamics Study)


Study of drug & food induced Type Ⅰand Type Ⅱdiabetes model as well as rodents genetically modified model, use glucose tolerance, in vitro glycosidase activity detection method, blood glucose clamp and molecular biology technology to carry out comprehensive preclinical drug efficacy and mechanism research on drugs for diabetes and other metabolic diseases.

5.消化系统药物药效评价(Digestive System PharmacodynamicsStudy)


Establish gastric ulcer and enterelcosis model induced by chemical damage, stress damage and immune injury.

6.其他系统药效评价(Pharmacodynamics Study on other system)

呼吸系统药物药效评价(Respiratory system pharmacodynamics study)

良性前列腺增生药物药效评价(Benign prostatic hypertrophy pharmacodynamics study)

皮肤疾病药效学评价模型(Skin disease pharmacodynamics study)

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